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devbox shell

Start a new shell or run a command with access to your packages


Start a new shell or run a command with access to your packages.
If the --config flag is set, the shell will be started using the devbox.json found in the --config flag directory.
If --config isn't set, then devbox recursively searches the current directory and its parents.

devbox shell [flags]


-c, --config stringpath to directory containing a devbox.json config file
-e, --env stringToStringenvironment variables to set in the devbox environment (default [])
--env-file stringpath to a file containing environment variables to set in the devbox environment
--environment stringenvironment to use, when supported (e.g.secrets support dev, prod, preview.) (default "dev")
--print-envPrint a script to setup a devbox shell environment
--pureIf this flag is specified, devbox creates an isolated shell inheriting almost no variables from the current environment. A few variables, in particular HOME, USER and DISPLAY, are retained.
-h, --helphelp for shell
-q, --quietQuiet mode: Suppresses logs.


  • devbox - Instant, easy, predictable shells and containers